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The genie

An elderly woman buys an old bottle at a rummage sale. She takes it
home and begins to clean off the dirt while sitting in her rocking chair
on the front porch.
Suddenly a Genie appears. "I will grant you three wishes," says the
Genie. "Alright," says the woman..... "For my first wish I want to be
rich." The Genie grants the wish and a chest of gold appears before
Amazed, the woman asks her second wish.... "I want to be a beautiful
young woman." The wish is granted. She turns into a beautiful young
"For my third wish," She says, "I want to you to turn my cat Sylvester
here into a handsome young Prince." The cat disappears in a puff of
smoke and a handsome young prince appears. The Genie disappears back
into the bottle and the woman, obviously lovestruck, stares in disbelief
at her new "possessions".
The Prince leans over to her and whispers.... "I'll bet you're sorry
you had me neutered now, aren't you?"

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